Roles of teachers in e-learning

In the information management systems human agents can be considered one of the most important factors that
make system run more smoothly (Peterson & Peterson, 1988). In this manner role of teachers in the e-learning
environments are very important. The questions “Does the importance of teacher decrease as the technology
grows? “ And “What is the role of teachers in e-learning systems” are very important to answer to estimate the
productivity of systems (Johnson, 1991).
When we think about the role of the teacher in the learning environment it could be suggested that the importance
of the teacher is growing. The educators’ afford should be more intensive to adaptation of new learning
environments should be an answer to this question. But there are some issues adapt these new learning
environments. These issues of adapting to the environment are related to understand the concept and the work
process of these environments. For example, administrators of the institutions can understand some basic concepts
of e-learning such as how it works and where and why to benefit from it. However these decision makers will find
themselves in the point of milestone to apply or not apply the concept in their institutions. More importantly,
teachers also will be a point of a decision making when they need to teach any course in e learning (or blended).
These decisions possibly would be about “How to put any course online with an effective way to engage students in

to the learning?” and “What technologies and tools are available to implement the teaching (e-lessons or the
materials for blended learning)?”
In this paper, we provide a basic model to help educators to answer these two questions and decide their teaching
model. Figure 1 shows the summary of basic components of this model.
First part of this model explains “How to put any course online with an effective way to engage students in to the
learning?” and the second part explains “What technologies and tools are available to implement the teaching (elessons or the materials for blended learning)?”

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